I wanted to do a quick blog post and thank those that have given me the most support. As you can see from my blogger analytics report certain sites have referred more traffic than anyone else. Aside from Google organic search (that's my penchant for using the correct keywords) - these people are primarily responsible for my blog getting noticed. I cannot say thank you enough and trust me I have supported your sites as well. Beyond the occasional tweet I often forward your .com address to other people I know because you are a great resource.
deviantart community
and the cgsociety forums.
Thanks so much for making me feel important!
What other artists can take away from this article is that certain venues help artists and they should be subscribing/joining those sites. If you make tutorials, resources or write articles that deal with any aspect of the design community then the sites I've listed are your best friends outside of using proper SEO.
Top Supporters for Suztv blogspot are:
deviantart community
and the cgsociety forums.
Thanks so much for making me feel important!
What other artists can take away from this article is that certain venues help artists and they should be subscribing/joining those sites. If you make tutorials, resources or write articles that deal with any aspect of the design community then the sites I've listed are your best friends outside of using proper SEO.